作为乐博彩票官方app公司在亚太地区的增长中心,新加坡已经建立了坚实可靠的声誉. 新加坡曾经是发达国家和发达国家之间的一个节点, but today is a leading nation in many economic and development areas. 这一地位使新加坡成为乐博彩票官方app商界在亚太地区的天然家园, supplying the latest technology and expertise required to bring about

作为进入更广阔地区的天然垫脚石, 新加坡 has attracted every range and size of Swedish companies; from small- to medium-sized enterprises, 对大公司来说, 和密切, 技术的
start-ups – a business community now totaling over 250 companies.

新加坡 is the road to recovery from the pandemic, but the journey will largely depend on the global economic recovery. But the signs are promising; 新加坡 and the Swedish business community that call it home, 是否已经做好了进入新常态的准备.


商业环境调查由乐博彩票官方app团队每两年进行一次, 这是乐博彩票官方app商务局与乐博彩票官方app当地大使馆合作的一项联合倡议, consulates and chambers of commerce around the world, 在其他利益相关者中.

该调查提供了对商业趋势的第一手观点和见解, 基于对在每个国家运营的乐博彩票官方app公司的广泛采访,全球乐博彩票官方app的问题和挑战.